Friday, January 7, 2011

How to protect Balochs who fall in the category of "minority religion"

Mr. Shiam Kumar, a prominent Intellectual &  poet from Balochistan
was interviewed by BBC`s Urdo Service reporter, Mr. Ayub Tareen .
Mr. Shiam Kumar laments over the abduction of Hindu business-men
and the members of the minority Hindu community are seeking
refuge in Sindh and in India.

Mr. Shiam Kumar appeals to the "Civil Society" of Pakistan to
help the minority religious groups, including Hindues in Pakistan.

First, the Civil Society of Pakistan, mostly, consists of those who
started to kill minority religious groups in Pakistan and occupied
their houses, shops, business and  services in 1947 when Pakistan,
the problem, was created by British. Except in Balochistan
and Bangla-desh, the sons of the soils - Sikhs & Hindues - were
compelled to flee to India from Pakistan.

The occupied Group - Qabza Group - then turned their attention
to side-line the Political figures and Political Parties in Pakistan,
with the help of Security forces (attacking forces) and eliminated
from Mr. Mohd Ali Jinna to Mr. Akber Khan Bugti. and killed thousands of Political leaders and workers to occupy the land, houses, shops, businesses, services of the "Muslims" in Bangla-desh, Sindh, PK Provinces, Balochistan, Gilgit-baltistan and POK Kashmir.

The next stage of the hated "occupied-group" of Pakistan shall be
the Christians, Ahmadis, Shias, Zigrees and the liberal minded
(Sofees) guys of Pakistan because the greed of Qabza-group - occupied forces - never decreass but increases due to the addition of their
offspring and inculsion of new members due to the utmost
pverty in Pakistani Society.

Now, is it right that Hindus & Sikhs seek refuge in India , leaving
behind Muslim Baluchs and Sindhis in Sindh/Balochistan for the

prey of Wild dogs i.e.  brutal forces of occupiers of Pakistan?

Or should Christains, the other religious minority group should
migrate to the regions where Christains are in majority?

Should Ismaelies move to South-Africa or elsewhere to give
the chance to "ugly occupying forces" of Pakistan to occupy their
businesses, homes?

Is it  a rumour or a truth that Ahmadis are rich and they are
serving on attracting posts. Must Ahmadies move to Qadiyan,
India to vacate the posts for the shameless occupying forces
i.e. Qabza-group of Pakistan?

They say that Shias are in power in Pakistan, should all
the followers of Shaia should migrate to Iraq and Iran?

If this attitude of "Qabza-group" is neglected, the barabrous
Occupying forces shall compel Muslim Pashtuns to leave for Afghanistan, Muslim Sindhis to Rajistan, Muslim Balochs to
Iran, Muslim Gilgit-baltastanis to Jammu and Kashmir.

No. No. This is a total fail, greedy, selfish, barbaric, Satanic,
rasist and unhuman act of the Qabza-group (Occupying-forces)
of Pakistan. What ought to be done?

The oppressed societies i.e. ethnic minorities, various minority religious
groups, various sectarian groups and Liberals, and Sofies of Pakistan should find a new way.

The way of truth to respect and accept the rights of one-another.
Every-one should be let alone what they beleive and follow
his/her beleif.

Enough is enough. Your tears are falling on the killing of Mr.
Taseer, that we do also, but our hearts are bleeding on the
extra-judicial killing of about 65 Baloch youngs and target
killing of our Baloch leaders and Political activists and
indiscriminate bombardment, using Chemical bombs,  on
 Balochistan and killing thousand of innocent Baloch Civilians and
displacing Hundreds of thousand Balochs from their ancestral homes.

We know that to-day the occupying-elements  -Qabza-group - of
Pakistan are targeting Balochs and we beleive that in  foreseeble period, they shall continue their heinous crimes to others in the
pretex of religion, sect, language and colour. Unbeleiveable kaos
shall prevail in  whole of Pakistan.

The wise-men of Pakistan should come forward, the wise
diplomats of the Globe should stand-up to shower the
flames of fire in Pakistan.

To put-water on the burning flames in Pakistan, first and
formost, the security of Politicians from a member of
Parliament to the President of Pakistan should be entrusted
to the forces of United Nations because the whole security forces
of Pakistan has been infiltrated/occupied by the evil forces
which are rememberd as so- called the fundamental Islamic forces.

Second, there should be held a referendum in Balochistan,
Sindh, Gilgit-baltistan, Pakhtun-khawa about the decision
of their future destine i.e. the Right of Self-determination.

The United Nations peace keeping forces, NATO/Isaf forces
 should be deployed in Islamabad, declaring it the "Red-zone"
to protect it from Jehadi-occupying forces.

Balochistan should be handed-over to NATO/ISAF forces to
stop the genocide of Balochs. Balochistan should be declared
no-fly zone for Iranian/Pakistani Air forces. Pro-Talibani Pakistni Army
and Talibani F.C. should be evacuated from  Balochistan.

The Consultants (lobbyists) in Washington, New-dehli and
Luxumburg should act with sane to avoid the massacre of
human-beings in Balochistan and in the whole world.